dwinfrey.com – GPCT Edition

Dateline: New Orleans

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One guy’s 12 days of Christmas, Day 7

skeletoolSome of you will recall that last year I wrote about the 25th anniversary Argentum series of Leatherman tools (top price $40,00). This year I decided to go with something a bit more practical.

I recently held a Leatherman Skeletool and quickly appreciated it’s form and function. Billed as “Five Ounces of Fury,” it has seven tools and can handle nearly any job you throw at it.

$69.85 by Leatherman

One guy’s 12 days of Christmas, Day 6

moleskineGiven the recent troubles of a certain pro golfer, maybe we shouldn’t be talking about little black books.

But I love Moleskine notebooks, especially when traveling. The smallest size fits in a jacket pocket, always available when you have the time to journal about your day or want to log some contact information for someone or somewhere.

I know technology now gives us handhelds that shoot video, log the GPS coordinates and post to your blog. Then again, there’s something to be said for an old-school note-taking method that doesn’t cause thumb cramping.

~$12 by Moleskine, available in most bookstores

One guy’s 12 days of Christmas, Day 5

led_torchSeriously, when was the last time you that used cigarette lighter in your car? No, not the receptacle that doubles as your phone charger. I’m talking about the thing Jake throws out of Elwood’s cop car early in The Blues Brothers.

That’s what I thought.

Add something useful with the Rechargeable LED Torch.

Six colors to choose from, and never a doubt about where you fall on the smoking or non question.

$15.48 from flashwear.com

One guy’s 12 days of Christmas, Day 4

rocket_launcher_v2Now that you rule the neighborhood (see Day 3’s gift), office supremacy is all that stands between you and world domination (insert Vincent Price evil “Bwahahaha” laugh here).

mrburnsWith the USB Laser Guided Missle Launcher, you can take out Mr Burns’ minions (as long as there are no more than three) and still finish that report before lunch. Maybe by next year they can figure out how to have sharks with frickin’ lasers attached to their heads.


$39.99, available from thinkgeek.com

One guy’s 12 days of Christmas, Day 3

Nerf-Vulcan True story: I was in the yard this summer when a boy who couldn’t have been more than 8 years old ran up with a toy gun and quoted Al Pacino’ s Tony Montana in “Scarface,” “Say hello to my little friend!”

If only I’d had the N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25! I could have showered him with a hailstorm of foam at a rate of 3 darts per second. Of course, I probably would have been shamed into paying for the therapy. And other parents wouldn’t have let their kids play with Jake. But wouldn’t it be worth it?

Read Wired magazine’s review here.

$39.00 from Hasbro.

Spare ammo belt: $7.99 (for those expecting things to get real nasty)